1 Answer

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First, thanks for taking the time to write an answer. It’s because of helpful people like yourself that we’re able to explore, learn, and grow in faith together as a community. Here are a few tips on how to make your answer great:

Read the question carefully

Before posting an answer, take time to read the question carefully to understand what the question is asking. If you need clarification on something add a comment to the question for the OP.

Biblical References

All answers should have at least one biblical reference to back up the answer. In most instances, an answer could have multiple references. Answers shouldn't be solely based on knowledge, experience, or opinions.

External Resources & Links

External links must be valid and relevant to the answer. Resources being used within an answer must be cited at the bottom of your answer post.

Link Example:

[Answer Content] [External Link | Tittle - https://somewebsite.com]

Resource Example:
[Answer Content] [Author][Publication Year]. [Title of Resource]. [URL]

Bible Reference
[Answer Content] [Bible][Book] [Chapter]:[Verse].[Translation]

Proofread Before Posting!

Now that you've finished writing your answer, take a coffee break and then read through it from start to finish. Pretend you're seeing it for the first time: does it make sense? Can someone without all of your context and background knowledge understand it? Add any details you missed and read through it again.

Don't forget to check spelling, grammar, and punctuation as well! If you're not comfortable writing in English, ask someone to proofread it for you.