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Any good advice on how to ask a good question on this platform so, it can be answered promptly?

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1 Answer

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The Community is happy to help you, but to improve your chances of getting an answer, here are some guidelines to follow:

Make sure your question is on-topic and suitable for this site

Bibly Overflow only accepts questions about God, Jesus, the Bible, Life Issues, and related subjects, and your question must be written in English. If your question is not on-topic or is otherwise unsuitable for this site, then it will likely not be approved or closed.

Unapproved or closure is not the end of the road for questions. Revise the question to meet the community standards and post the question as a new question. The revised question must meet the requirements or that question will be closed as well.

Ask a question in a clear on line sentence

Your question should be no more than one sentence, concise, and to the point. When other community members read your question they should be able to have an idea of what your question is about. You may elaborate more in the "More information for the question" section.

Search, Search, and Search

Before posting a question, it is strongly recommended that you spend a reasonable amount of time researching your question on this site. Your question may have already been asked previously by another member .

Make sure to keep track of what you find when researching, even if it doesn't help! If you ultimately aren't able to find the answer to your question elsewhere on this site, then including links to related questions (as well as an explanation of why they didn't answer your question) will help prevent your question from being marked as a duplicate when you ultimately do ask it.

Include Relevant Tags

All questions must have at least one tag listed. When creating a the tag, the tag must be relevant to the question. The tag should be different than the subject as well.

Proofread Before Posting!

Now that you've finished writing your question, take a coffee break and then read through it from start to finish. Pretend you're seeing it for the first time: does it make sense? Can someone without all of your context and background knowledge understand it? Add any details you missed and read through it again. Re-read your question title, and make sure that it is no more than one sentence, concise, and to the point.

Don't forget to check spelling, grammar, and punctuation as well! If you're not comfortable writing in English, ask someone to proofread it for you.